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The Fast Way to Mastering Intermittent Fasting - 6 week coaching program - €295

6 week online coaching program to Master Intermittent Fasting - STARTS May 23rd, 2023

You can also purchase the program as a Self-Study Course - Start anytime, go at your own pace and save €100 with coupon IFSELFSTUDY.

Fasting has been shown to have several health benefits, such as blood sugar control, inflammation reduction, heart health improvement, brain function enhancement, weight loss, growth hormone increase, longevity promotion, and cancer prevention [1][4]. Additionally, intermittent fasting can help individuals lose body weight and lower their levels of fasting glucose, fasting insulin, and leptin, while reducing insulin resistance, decreasing levels of leptin and increasing levels of adiponectin [3]. Although fasting can be beneficial, it is essential to fast safely and properly [4].





So why not forget about calorie restricted diets that will only leave you frustrated, “hangry” (hungry and angry at the same time), craving for sugar… you might lose a few pounds whilst you are on it, but I guarantee you, it will all come back on as soon as you resume old eating habits and the dieting period is over, you will most likely put even more pounds on afterwards. Forget about low fat foods, eating every 2 hours for blood sugar balance or counting calories.

Instead learn why when you want to lose weight, although it is important to stick to a balanced diet and regular physical activity, the timing of your meals will also greatly influence your ability and ease to lose weight sustainably. You will learn that you can eat most of the foods you want at specific times of the day and still meet the energy needs your body requires.

Learn to interpret bio-feedback (the feedback your body is constantly giving you when something is going wrong) i.e. fatigue may be an indirect feedback related to the quality of your sleep, or could mean improper nutrition such as carbohydrate intolerance; a white coated tongue could mean a toxic, unclean gut or dysbiosis (gut microbiome imbalance); headaches and migraines could be related to constipation or a food intolerance, and so on.

We coach you over this 6 weeks program of Intermittent Fasting (IF) to support metabolic flexibility, using progressive and various fasting windows - 12/12, 14/10, 16/8, 18/6, OMAD, etc. with a 24 or 36 hour fast challenge at the end. Whatever the schedule, it always consists of alternating a time with little or no food intake, with a time of healthy, well-balanced meals. The goal: to reset the counters, detoxify the body, stimulate the metabolism and also promote the use of body fat as a source of energy, whilst lowering (to better regulate them later) blood sugar and insulin levels.

This program is ideal for those who have difficulty controlling their comfort eating and cravings, who want to lose weight sustainably and effectively.

Intermittent fasting is one of the most effective dietary practices for regaining your healthy weight while adopting a healthy and balanced diet and above all without deprivation.

Our program includes:

  • nutritional therapy tips and pointers following the evaluation of “filled-in” questionnaires (food diary, lifestyle, etc.) to help you focus on your nutritional needs, your health goals and your overall well-being,

  • a weekly 60 minute online group health and wellness talks,

  • low cab & keto recipe ebook (with breakfast, lunch and dinner suggestions),

  • weekly workbook to learn and reflect and,

  • all the advice you will need during each stage of your IF journey.

You will discover for yourself all the benefits of fasting and how easy and simple it is to adapt IF to your life schedule.

Our aim is to teach you to listen to your body and mind, so that you can learn about yourself! You will soon realise that intermittent fasting brings much more than just weight loss.

Please note: Even intermittent fasting is contraindicated for diabetics on insulin, pregnant and breast feeding women and, of course, for all those who suffer from a serious illness.

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